Okboston teams up in 2023 to tour Boston, Rhode Island, Los Angeles CA, Spring Blading Cup, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont Blade and Camp, New York City, Brooklyn Blade Comp, BPSO8, & NYC Street Invitational. Starring: Remo // Ragone Bones // Ian Orbinson // Dave Hartnett // Tyler Emond // Eric Woods // Juise. Co-starring: Kevin Borth // Taylor Nelson // Keegan Smith.

Ft. Tom Ferrante, Eric Thompson, Mike Koliner, Frost Dollar, Kevin Borth, Brent Trinidad, John O’Donnell, Pat The Rat, Hakeem Jimoh, Timothy, Roderick Stallbaum, Ivan, Jeff Dalnas, Joel, Brandon Ford,Travis R, Gabe Holm, Brian Campbell, Alex Hogan, Ben Zerfoss, Los, Adam O’brien, Colin Haze, Win, Will Lyons, Pat Valentin, Michael Decker, Jill, Gordo, Jeremy Spira, Michael Kraft, Colin Kelso, John Bolino, Alex Broskow, Michael Witzemann, Dylon Hopp, Joe Atkinson, Korey Waikiki, Sean Darst, Randy Spizer, Umberto, Jesus Rivera, Koda Hult, Danny Beer, Chad Tannehill, Yandriel, Jimmy Kobryn, Robbie Pitts, Derek French, Peezy, Jared Green, Anthony Maintain, Cade Woodley, Sascha Simms, Julian Hinsch, Jay O’neill, Brendan Brown, Jeremy Raff, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Dave Gunn, Cameron Talbott, Alex Ryerson, Collin Martin, Ariel Surun, Josh Weaver, Jimmy Cisz, Eddie Chung, Czar, Jon Ortiz, Sean Keane, Dot, Chapi, Nicol Leddington, Sean Grossman, Chino Sin, Jo Kap, Aresenio Patterson, Crvck, Cody Forrester, Jesus Medina, Tim Franken, Phill Gripper, Sam Leviton, Joey Lunger, Mick Casals, Chris Edwards, Chauncey Jenkins, Yuto Goto, Eugen Enin, Sean Kelso, Julian Bah, John Vossoughi, Soichiro Kanashima, Gabe Talamantes & more.
Directed, Filmed, & Edited by Juise. Additional Filming: Hector Sanchez, Ian Orbinson, Eric Woods, Kevin Borth, Travis R, Jay O’neill, Andrew Leverton, Dave Gunn, Jeremy Raff, Tyler Emond, Danielle Emond, Greg Sohn, Dot, Hakeem Jimoh, Taylor Nelson, Sean Grossman. Photos by: Angus Gill, Joel, Greg Sohn, John O’Donnell, Brian Lewis, Juise, Derek Lintala, Brandon Shaugnessy.
Visit OKboston.blogspot.com.
OKAY4TOUR (Official Trailer) - Video and Zine, releases on December 15, 2023. Okboston teams up in 2023 to tour Boston, Rhode Island, Los Angeles CA, Spring Blading Cup, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont Blade and Camp, New York City, Brooklyn Blade Comp, BPSO8, & NYC Street Invitational.
Starring: Juise, Ragone Bones, Eric Woods, Dave Hartnett, Ian Orbinson & Tyler Emond. Co-starring Remo, Kevin Borth, Taylor Nelson & Keagan Smith. Also featuring: Tom Ferrante, Timothy, Mike Koliner, Gabe Holm, Roderick Stallbaum, Ben Zerfoss, Brent Trinidad, Adam O’Brien, Colin Haze, Will Lyons ,John O’Donnell, Michael Decker, John Bolino, Colin Kelso, Michael Witzemann, Alex Broskow, Jared Greene, Sascha Simms, Hakeem Jimoh, Julian Hinsch, Anthony Maintain, Jeremy Raff, Brendan Brown, Rob Dargiewicz, Andrew Leverton, Dave Gunn, Cameron Talbott, Sean Keane, Jeff Dalnas, Sean Grossman, Dot, Jo Kap, Chino Sin, Joey Lunger, Mick Casals, Chauncey Jenkins, Zack Savage, Julian Bah, Eugen Enin & more.
Featuring Tim Shapiro, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, Dave Gunn III, Matt Ragone, Jeremy Raff, Ian Hutchinson, Keegan Smith, Juice, Ben Zerfoss, Dan Corbera, Eric Woods, John O’Donnell, Carlos Galvez, Alex Hogan, Matt Raz, Bryan Joel Pina, Ty Jones, Ryan Strout, Andy Leitermann.
Filmed a edited by Matt Ragone, additional filming by Andy Leitermann.
New England is a region comprising six states in the Northeastern United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. It is bordered by the state of New York to the west and by the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick to the northeast and Quebec to the north (Wikipedia).
Filmed by Hector Sanchez of DNKG Films, Ian Orbinson Hutchinson & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Produced by John Greene, Beast Coast includes skaters from Rhode Island, New York, Massaschusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina and more! Released December 2011.
Music: Flux Pavilon – Cracks.
Project Shredpool, the Human Centipede in Pawtucket (Rhode Island). Larger Picture on Imgur (via).