Street PRO
- Stephane Alfano
- Julien Cudot
- Mathieu Heinemann
- Nicolas Schopfer
- Roman Abrate
- Nick Lomax
- Stephane de Freitas
- Anthony Avella
- Jon Matter
- Stephane Luchie
(Resultats des qualifs, finale annulee en raison de la pluie) – Those are the results of the prelims, there was no finals due to the rain.
Street AM
- Boucau Clement
- Milot Clement
- Ziz
(Resultats des qualifs, finale annulee en raison de la pluie) – Those are the results of the prelims, there was no finals due to the rain.
- Anthony Avella
- Kevin Quintin
- Roman Abrate

Check some photos of the NL4 Vert Contest on Flickr.