Leominster (Massachusetts), january 2023 session with John O’Donnell, Juise, Jill, Ian Hutchinson, Eric Thompson, Eric Woods, Tom Ferrrante, & LosGoldenBlader. Visit Okboston.blogspot.com.
Leominster (Massachusetts), january 2023 session with John O’Donnell, Juise, Jill, Ian Hutchinson, Eric Thompson, Eric Woods, Tom Ferrrante, & LosGoldenBlader. Visit Okboston.blogspot.com.
In my 2 weeks USA vacation I was able to go to Boston, Massachusetts. One of the best day from this trip, great city. - Patrick Kramer.
King of the North, presented by Brandon Lamaire. Filmed & edited by John Greene, additional footage by Tim Donovan. In loving memory of Johnny Webb. We love you BRO! February 5, 2022 - The Edge Skatepark | Taunton, Massachusetts | Photo.
One day with Mark Wojda in Boston, MA. Filmed by Alex Hogan for Visaid. Get some Visaid goodies at Bigcartel.
Previously: Mark Wojda - Always Next Time (2020) by tallboyz.
Featuring Tim Shapiro, Andrew Leverton, Julian Hinsch, Dave Gunn III, Matt Ragone, Jeremy Raff, Ian Hutchinson, Keegan Smith, Juice, Ben Zerfoss, Dan Corbera, Eric Woods, John O’Donnell, Carlos Galvez, Alex Hogan, Matt Raz, Bryan Joel Pina, Ty Jones, Ryan Strout, Andy Leitermann.
Filmed a edited by Matt Ragone, additional filming by Andy Leitermann.
New England is a region comprising six states in the Northeastern United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. It is bordered by the state of New York to the west and by the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick to the northeast and Quebec to the north (Wikipedia).
Young Jui$e skating the K2 Unnatural skates at a new skate path at Fresh Pond Cambridge, MA. Filming by Craig Carbonneau & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e and 1kentertainment. Music by Elmer Music (Soundcloud).
Visit Okboston.blogspot.com | 1kentertainment.com.
Filmed by Hector Sanchez of DNKG Films, Ian Orbinson Hutchinson & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Produced by John Greene, Beast Coast includes skaters from Rhode Island, New York, Massaschusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina and more! Released December 2011.
Music: Flux Pavilon – Cracks.