Displaying posts tagged #Mags

FISEUP - Issue 13 - NYC Article by Dominik Wagner, Starring James Perez

Sun, Dec 10, 2017
FISEUP - Issue 13 - NYC Article by Dominik Wagner, Starring James Perez

Short Stop NYC by Dominik Wagner. “The city is a big playground for my friends and I”.

The FISE released the issue 13 of their mag FISEUP (you can check all previous issues here). Dominik Wagner wrote a NYC article starring James Perez.

Check page 18 and page 19 for the article and photos.

Previously: Dominik Wagner in New York - Dreaming With No Sleep (2017) with James Perez.

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Skitch Video Zine - Issue 3, Now Available!

Mon, Jun 19, 2017
Skitch Video Zine - Issue 3, Now Available!

The third issue of the SVZ print series is 76 perfectly bind pages of aggressive in-line skating.

Highlighting The Born Free Tour Story, Anthony Medina, Too Cold To Skate Outside 5, King of Cleveland 2k16, Set-Ups, and Food for Thought.

Featuring skating by Elliot Feltner, Justin Anthony, Andrew Broom, Cody Sanders, Rory Melehan, Sean Quinn, Matt Morin, Julian Mire, & the late, Marcus Dixon.

Check the preview of the Zine, and purchase your copy for $15 on Longliverollerblading.com (scroll a bit to reach the content, past the huge photo cover).

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FISE UP - Issue 10 Online (in english + version francaise) featuring an article on Delfon Dio and a portrait of Mathieu Heinemann

Thu, Jun 15, 2017
FISE UP - Issue 10 Online (in english + version francaise) featuring an article on Delfon Dio and a portrait of Mathieu Heinemann

The FISE team is proud to present the 10th issue their mag “FISE UP”. Featuring an article on Delfon Dio (pages: 13, 14, 15) and a portrait of Mathieu Heinemann (page 23).

FISE UP - Issue 10 Online (in english + version francaise) featuring an article on Delfon Dio and a portrait of Mathieu Heinemann

VERSION FR: Voici le dernier FISE UP! Un double numero print et digital qui sent bon la liberté et vous invite a decouvrir la legende du BMX, Van Homan, et le jeune prodige du Mountain Bike, Anthony Messere.

Le mot cle dans ce numero 10, vous l’aurez compris, la liberte. On retrouvera un crew de roller en voyage (Delfon Dio), des histoires du FISE en lettres, et l’histoire d’un maitre du wakeboard Matt Montoro. Partout l’envie de liberte respire.

Contenu Roller: Delfon Dio (pages 13, 14, 15) ainsi que le portrait de Mathieu Heinemann (page 23).

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Brian Shima on the Cover of Rolls Magazine - Nimh, Rollerblading (2009)

Sat, May 16, 2009
Brian Shima on the Cover of Rolls Magazine - Nimh, Rollerblading (2009)

The new issue of the French inline skating magazine Rolls will be hitting the shelves soon. Brian Shima landed the cover of this issue with a nice backside backslide on a stair ledge. Brian Shima, Montre Livingston and our new European rider will be coming to France. The Nimh European tour schedule to be posted soon. Picture: Comablade.

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Andrey Zaytsev (RIP) - Razors Ad in Daily Bread (2006)

Thu, Nov 16, 2006
Andrey Zaytsev (RIP) - Razors Ad in Daily Bread (2006)
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Extreme Force Mag - Russia (2005)

Fri, Jan 21, 2005
Extreme Force Mag - Russia (2005)

Extreme Force Mag - Russia.

Extreme Force Mag - Russia (2005)

up: Rachard Johnson, via Bladers.ru (saved on Archive.org).

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Blading Wiki, a wiki dedicated to Inline Skating

Rollerblading Gems

Niko Salaman (2024) by Mark Worner

Nathan Bentley - Drown (2024) - Solo Street Sessions

Tallboyz - Crabcakes & Football | Maryland/DC/VA Tour Video (2024)

'CARRER' - A Furtius Video by Ferran Laparra (Spain)

Cougar Skates - Paris - Julien Cudot & Lenny Jourda

Mesmer Tiki - Levi van Rijn, John Bolino, Billy O'Neill, Ichi  & Friends

WEAK KNIGHTS // Josiah Blee & Jake Dotson

Cameron Talbott in 'Dos Dias' - A video by Cody Lampman

Mount Average [Rollerblading Video] - LUDUS Skaterblade - Vienna (Austria, 2024)

Alex Burston - In a Bit (Stockport, UK)

Jacob Juul and Storm (LOW Skate Academy) - Trigger Street Edit

OWC presents 'Orange: Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel'

OG (more)

Jon Julio - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP4 - Documentary

Vincent - A documentary by Ivan Narez-Hurtado

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit

Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |