Craig Spaven just shred this gem. Enjoy!

Matt Luda’s sections from Voodoo Show (2012, Full Video), Fishguys4 (2019 - PLAY: Trailer | Full Video) and Golazo (2011, PLAY). Original videos by Amir Amadi and The Kelso Brothers.
Craig Spaven just shred this gem. Enjoy!
Matt Luda’s sections from Voodoo Show (2012, Full Video), Fishguys4 (2019 - PLAY: Trailer | Full Video) and Golazo (2011, PLAY). Original videos by Amir Amadi and The Kelso Brothers.
Fishguys3 (trapped underwater), a video filmed by the Kelso bros. Edited by Sean Kelso. Featuring: Alex Broskow, Anthony Marchione, Matt Capacette, Steve Iacono, Nick Danchuk, Sean Kelso & Colin Kelso. Photo.
Originally posted on April 23 2017, fishguys3 is now out on Vimeo and Youtube, the soundtrack is also available on both of those video hosts. Enjoy!
Fishguys3 (trapped underwater) filmed by the Kelso bros. Edited by Sean Kelso. Featuring: Alex Broskow, Anthony Marchione, Matt Capacette, Steve Iacono, Nick Danchuk, Sean Kelso & Colin Kelso.
fishguys3 - Full Video (Vimeo | Youtube)
fishguys3 - Soundtrack (Vimeo | Youtube)
This is the second edition of fishguys. all fisheye filmed rollerblading at skateparks in the KCMO area. Main camera: Sean Kelso. Additional filmers: Colin Kelso & Alex Broskow. Featuring: The Kelso brothers, Alex Broskow, Chris Farmer, Adam Exline, Pat Doherty & Kc Roche.
Fishguys3 (trapped underwater) filmed by the Kelso bros. Edited by Sean Kelso. Featuring: Alex Broskow, Anthony Marchione, Matt Capacette, Steve Iacono, Nick Danchuk, Sean Kelso & Colin Kelso.
Full Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Previously: Alex Broskow – Fishguys3, Behing the scenes (2017).
Fishguys by Sean Kelso, More Episodes:
Fishguys (2012) - fishguysII (2013).
It was roughly five years ago when Sean Kelso adapted a Century fish-eye lens to a Panasonic HVX camcorder and took it for a test at Downtown Park in KCMO with Alex Broskow.
After leaving the park that day with a decent amount of footage, they decided it would be fun to keep going and collecting more fish-eye filmed park clips, hence the title of the project ‘fishguys’.
Since that day ‘fishguys’ has evolved into an on-going series and it comes with great pride that bacemint can officially announce we had the opportunity to fly our good friend AB out to Philadelphia. […] Photos & article on
Check the video here.