Some clips of Cajt, 41 years old (H.B.O.K Crew), still skating despite his knee injury, and some clips of the Inline Cup Kroměříž 2023 (12th edition), organized by Kubis and Cajt. Visit Inlinecupkromeriz.cz | Skatekm.cz.
Some clips of Cajt, 41 years old (H.B.O.K Crew), still skating despite his knee injury, and some clips of the Inline Cup Kroměříž 2023 (12th edition), organized by Kubis and Cajt. Visit Inlinecupkromeriz.cz | Skatekm.cz.
A few moments from Kromeriz (2023) by Lukas Sladek
Carlos Pianowski, Julien Cudot, Cj Wellsmore, Stephane Alfano, Jo Zenk, Martina Svobodova and many more…
Coverage by Damian Forro
Pro Results
Best Trick: Stéphane Alfano, France. Prize for the Youngest Rider: Franciug Bogdan, Bubu – Romania (12 years). Visit Inlinecupkromeriz.cz.
We went on a short tour in the east of the Czech Republic this June. I got quite hyped to shoot more on aggressive skates, but got injured and went back to big wheels. Hopefully will take my aeons for some more street sessions next year. - Martin Schiffer.
Filmed by Aleš Špidla, Jan Šafařík, Martin Krejčíř and Tomáš Čambalík.
Honza Puchyr - Street resurrection. Aggressive inline Section, filmed in Czech Republic and Poland at the age of 33/34. Music: Demencia - Seres Maniacos.
In 2020 we traveled to Prague (Czech Republic) for the Masters of Real Street Contest. For health reasons, the event was canceled when we already had everything organized. Jara Mrstny welcomed us and we enjoyed the weekend with a session at the Mystic Skatepark. Enjoy!
I spent most of 2021 skating big wheels, but managed to get couple street clips on USD Aeons as well. This edit recaps besically all of my aggressive street skating last year. Shot by Lukas Sladek, Martin Krejčíř and Jiří šíp. Edited by myself. - Martin Schiffer. Photo: Tomáš Gerec.
This is what i call dedication! Here is Honza Puchýř putting his practice rail to good use, and this all year, whatever the weather. - PLAY
Martin Schiffer, street section from 2020 dedicated to his daughter Matylda. Shot on locations in Prague and Pilsen (Czech Republic). Filmed and edited by Lukas Sladek.
I’ve been skating this setup for half a year now and slowly figuring out how to use the potential of these rockered frames. Shot on locations in Prague and Pilsen by my homies Martin Krejcir & Lukas Sladek. - Martin Schiffer.