Featuring skaters from Czechia & Slovakia: Jiri Sip (CZ), Martin Krejcir (CZ), Lukas Sladek (SK), Peter Legnavsky (SK) & Ondrej Hlava (CZ). Filmed & edited by Peter Legnavsky.
Music: Pistones - Lo que quieras oir.
Featuring skaters from Czechia & Slovakia: Jiri Sip (CZ), Martin Krejcir (CZ), Lukas Sladek (SK), Peter Legnavsky (SK) & Ondrej Hlava (CZ). Filmed & edited by Peter Legnavsky.
Music: Pistones - Lo que quieras oir.
Miguel Ramos Weekend, Too Easy edit, featuring: John Bolino, Kyle Sola, Joey Lunger, Duke Rennie & Friends. Visit tooeasylbc.bigcartel.com.
Round 2! This time, we’re discussing switch ups. What they are, how to do them and what makes them “count”.
If this is the first time you’re seeing this, the goal of Tutorial Plus is to document, in great detail, why it is we do things the way that we do them. There are plenty of “how to jump up and slide down” how-to videos in skating, but there aren’t many that explain them in detail. That’s the goal. To create a universal understanding for the basic concepts of what our community values as a whole. Word.
But anyways.. I never realize how truly difficult rollerblading is to understand until I start trying to explain the rules we’ve created for ourselves. Having two separate devices strapped to our feet, with 3 different plates (don’t even get me started about channel grinds), and the amount of variations that can be done is daunting. Especially, if you’re trying to explain what “counts” and what doesn’t to someone that is brand new to the sport…. Sheesh. I don’t think I did too good of a job, but it’s at least a crash course into what & why we do things the way that we do.
Mosquitos in TX are gnarly, btw. A lot of swatting going on in this. I also need to quit being lazy and setting my camera to full auto when I do these things, but in the middle of the session, in 90 degree weather… Your boy really isn’t trying to get too technical, haha.
I know I missed some things when discussing this. I do all of this off the top of my head. I really should start writing notes before I do this… Anyways, if you watched it, I hope you at least gained something from it. - Cody Sanders.
Tutorial Plus with Cody Sanders - PLAY: Switch-ups | Topsoul.
Le Havre (France), FISE Xperience (August 27-29, 2021) - More Infos & Riders Registration. Roller x BMX x Skateboard x Scooter. Be there!
La Street Rep’ 2021 will take september 25-26 in Paris, France. Expect a “Cash for Tricks” contest on saturday 25 and a “One spot, One winner” event on Sunday 26. Check the Facebook Event.